Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What would you do if you were invited to two parties on the same day??

If I was invited to two parties on the same day I would go to both because I wouldnt want my friends to think that I was showing favoritism to either one. I would do this by going to one party for about 2 hours and then go to the next party just to show that I did come. But if one party isn't juking I would leave and go to the other party. If both of them isn't juking then I would just stay at them for about 15 minutes and then leave. Or if I didnt show up to neither one I would say "because its not fair to go to one party and not the other. If someone I didnt know that well and my bestfriend threw a party too I would go to my bestfriend party because I know it would be juking. I would be with all my friends laughing and having fun.

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