Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What do you think makes a good friend?

I think a good friend suppose to be there when you are down and lonely. What makes a good friend is honesty, trust, and a loving person. A good friend is like your best friend and if can't do none of the the things that takes to be a good friend then you are not a good friend. A good friend is not suppose to lie to you, they are suppose to be honest with you to the fullest no matter what cause if you lie to them and they find out you are going to be sorry because you suppose to be their friend. You could really hurt their feelings if you lie to them,thats the worst thing that you could do. I really dont look for a good friend because you never know how they are until something happens and they aren't nowhere to be found. I also think that a good friend is like your sister because me and my sister are very close. When ever she needs me I'm there to help her and give her advice on anything she need. A good friend could anybody you trust love and care for and I have a lot.

1 comment:

I'm Tha King! said...

Your right a good friend is a person that's gonna be there for u when your down an out.