Monday, February 9, 2009

The meanest thing someone ever done to a substitute

The meanest thing that a person has ever done to a substitute was steal her wallot. I remember in 6th grade we had a substitute for a day. Our class was alredy bad and when she came they became worser. It was like a jungle kids were doing what they wanted talking back and cussing out the teacher. I couldn't believe that they were acting this bad. The sub couldn't controll the class so she called security to take the real bad ones out but that didn't work because they came right back in the classroom and threatened her. She pretended that she wasn't scared but I knew she was. When it was time to go to she accidently left her purse in the classroom and someone stole her wallot. When she called security they searched everyone in the classroom but found nothing and until this day we still dont know who did it and she never subed for us again.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How I Would Spend $1,000

If I had $1,ooo to spend I would buy $1,000 worth Dereon because I love Dereon so much. I would take a trip downtown to buy every Dereon item that I see. It might sound a little crazy but I love Dereon that much. I would buy shoes, clothes, accessories. I would also buy a Dereon class ring and put my class of 09 and initials on there. This would be the best way to spend my money on something that I love so much.